のどかな田園風景に突如現れた異形の建造物。伝統的な茅葺き屋根とは全く異なるその姿は無骨な2本からなる電柱の形を投影し カーブを描く道路沿いの風景の中で存在感を放っています。そこは内川地区を走るコミュニティバスの停留所として 地域のシンボルとなり 住民の憩いの場として親しまれています。
NPO法人石川県茅葺き文化研究会として依頼を受け 設計・デザインを行いました。茅葺きは石川県でただ一人の現役茅葺き師 野村泰三さんによる施工です。場所との関わりを明確に表現し 多様な形態に対応出来る汎用性ある工法を考えました。木ストラクチャーと竹ストラクチャーを等分に配し それぞれを補完する構造となっています。この組み合わせを繰り返し拡げることで より長く大きなスペース そしていろいろな多面体を造り出します。木材固定に金物を使っていますが それ以外は木材 竹 茅 縄の自然素材だけを使用しています。もちろん木材竹 茅は身近な場所で採取したものです。現代的な形態構成でありながらも 茅葺き師の感性による細部の納まりが加わり この世を離れる異界からの案内人の様に仕上がりました。伝統文化の継承 そして永く愛着を持って頂くため 地域の方々や学生にもワークショップという形で参加頂きました。
所在地 | 石川県金沢市 | 用途 | バス停 |
構造 | 木造 | 敷地面積 | - |
階数 | 平屋 | 延床面積 | - |
竣工 | 2015 | 施工 | NPO法人石川県茅葺き文化研究会 |
A strangely shaped building has suddenly appeared in the middle of the countryside among the rice fields. It has a completely different appearance from a traditional thatched-roof building, reflecting the shape of the two plain telephone poles, while also having a strong presence in the middle of the landscape along a curved street. It has become a symbol in the community as a stop for the bus service that runs through the Uchikawa district, and is loved by locals as a place where they can relax.
We developed a plan and design following a request from the incorporated non-profit organization Ishikawa Prefecture Thatched-Culture Study Group. Thatching work was conducted by Taizo Nomura, the only thatcher currently working in Ishikawa prefecture. We came up with a versatile method that can be used with various forms while still maintain a link with the location. The construction features equal amounts of wood and bamboo structure that serve to complement each other. A long, large space was created by repeating this combination in tandem with the creation of various polyhedrons. We used only natural materials including timber, bamboo, thatch, and rope, with the exception of the metal used to fix the wood. The timber, bamboo, and thatch were of course locally sourced. While the modern form and structure were retained, the thatcher’s sense was added to the detailed finish, giving it the look of something from another world that has come to transport you away. Local people and students took part in a workshop through which we were able to inherit the traditional culture and they could build a lasting attachment to it.
Location | Ishikawa, Kanazawa | Principal use | Bus stop |
Structure | Wooden | Site area | - |
Story | 1F | Total floor area | - |
Date | 2015 | Constructor | Ishikawa thatched Cultural Studies Association |